Here's just a quick update on the wild things happening here in the Williams campground and cigar emporium.
We are fast approaching my favorite time of year. We are still in mid-September, but Christmas will be here in a week and a half. No kidding. Costco has had their decorations up since August beaten only by Walgreens, which had theirs available since July. I like this time of year because, yeah, yeah, yeah, the holidays. No, they bring stress and poor judgement. I'm talking about the weather changing.
It is mid-September and today its going to be 108. Yep, that's what I said. I was talking to my boy on Facebook today. He is in the beautiful Middle East and he didn't think they were going to be that hot. The nights cool though. That's a good thing. You hate going to bed and waking up hours later and its hotter before dawn than most countries have for a high for the year.
Teaching is still teaching. Kids in school come in all shapes and sizes. Their problems float between acne and being deported, parent (most only have one) dying or going to prison, and what they don't have to eat.
The politics this time of year is great!! You have two candidates saying, in many cases, the exact opposite. Sooommmmeeeeeboddddy's lying!!!
We have three grand kids now. That makes me a true Grandfather. Now, don't get me wrong. You can be a grandfather with one grandchild. You're official. But, your not a Big Kahuna Grandfather, with a capital G, until you have at least 2. That way, no one can say the first one was just and accident.
Maybe a nap is in order today? I need to sleep on that.
Oh, need to check the transmission fluid in the truck. I think its leaking. Maybe need to add some.
When was the last time you had fried chicken? Doesn't that sound good-with homemade mashed potatoes. Yum.
Okay, look. There isn't much time left in today. In a while, I will need to start getting ready for work for tomorrow, laying out clothes, packing my lunch. Crap. BUT, I do have a job, my family is healthy and so far, Travis hasn't had to shoot anyone. So, I guess this is a banner day. We will take what we can get.
Now, what chair do I want that nap in??