If it wasn’t for mothers, kindness would not exist. Simple.
Other things like devotion, dedication, the cornerstone of love, tenderness,
would all have some skewed and distorted view of the world. A child will run to
their father not a bad thing and far missing from our current world, but it’s the tender hug of the mother that cures the illness,
broken heart, fear of the dark.
It’s the mother we call to in the night, in the throes of
battle, on our cot while life drains from us. If our mother was non-existent,
it is that hole we spend a lifetime trying to fill and never succeeding fully. But when
they are there-with us, if we can move away from what ‘dumb’ thing mother said
or did, we find ourselves smiling softly at her, looking at the heart of love
while we know, deeply, she lives in us.
So today, hold your mother close, if not physically, then in
your heart. She is the best in us.
Happy Mother’s Day