Sunday, July 22, 2012


Most of the time, my blog is in the process of seeking some humor in life’s daily stuff. Not today.

There is no humor in what happened in Aurora, Colorado. Everyone who heard about the killing and hurting of almost one hundred people and the shattering of countless other lives, begs explanation. We always want a reason why someone would do such a thing, any reason is better than no reason. When we don’t have that reason, we start to try to pigeonhole the actions into something we can explain, at least to ourselves.Having that explanation wrapped in our brain pan, it allows us to go on. At least we 'know.'

It never works.

Unfortunately, it won’t be the last time we have to do this. From Columbine to Red Lake to the Arizona representative shot in the head and the world watched her recover, we are an animal that absolutely finds it miserable to live quietly for any length of time in peace.

We want to. We talk about it. We vote for it. But behind the smiles and ‘he was such a quiet neighbor, kept to himself a lot’ type conversations, eventually, something pops, and we find ourselves again sitting in front of the six-o’clock news with our hand over our mouth and shaking our collective heads at the images on the TV, listening for that explanation.  

So, what could we ever do to counter this depressing, overwhelming, nauseating thought of such a desolate future?

We can love.

Yep, we get up, push away from the TV, take a deep cleansing breath, and love. We love our neighbors, love our families, love the guy in the grocery store, love the poor, love the rich.Love the family of the shooter. Love the victims. Simply love and whatever that looks like.

That’s all we can do.

When you  think about it, that’s all we need to do.

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