Monday, September 10, 2012

Love was a sacrifice word on 'that' day

Tomorrow is September 11th. There is a gathering of kids now who don't have the memory of that day. Soon, they'll be teenagers, then adults then, well, you get the idea. I think its different from December 7th, the other major day we all grew up remembering from our parents who lived it. Its different, I think, because after Pearl Harbor, there was something everyone could do. Everyone was involved in that fight because, well, each bomber had ten men in them and they needed a lot of bombers. This one, well, it just seems different. We watched it on the Internet. Now, its been over ten years. Has it been that long?

What isn't different is the hearts of our people. It still takes hearts to run into a blown up building when everyone is running out. But it seems easier during the event. Lots of emotion during an event like that. And over the years, emotions get use to the pain.  The list is endless of examples of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

There has been enough time that has gone by that a generation has grown up to replace those who have come home. Young men and women, who were children in 2001, now stand up and say, "Yeah, well, I'll go. Send me."

This isn't about right or wrong, do we go, do we not go. Decisions about that are made at a higher pay grade than mine. But here's what I do know, there is true Evil in this world-with a capital E. It exists, it breathes, it lives to only cause pain and suffering and its whole existence is to consume my family, and I also know, I can't stand against it alone.

I need you.

So, tomorrow, we remember a day when the world changed-again. And for many of us, our hearts, while they were being broken actually  grew. We love more intensely, we breath the morning air a little deeper, we spend time with our kids, talk to our dogs, laugh at stupid jokes we didn't use to laugh at, and we forgive a little easier. Love is a sacrifice word and we got an opportunity to witness, some in person, most by watching our television, pure love on that day who's anniversary is tomorrow. We take a deep breath and look to each other, nod, and simply say-"Okay, send me."

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